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Allumettes to celebrate 25th anniversary at this year’s Islandfest

Allumettes to celebrate 25th anniversary at this year’s Islandfest

2 August 2023 à 3:15 pm

Up on L’Isle-aux-Allumettes, the municipality is in preparations for their annual Islandfest celebrations, which will take place on August 11 and 12. The weekend celebrations will take place at the grounds near Harrington Community Hall, located at 64 chemin Pembroke.

Community Development coordinator Chantal Lair explained that this year’s party would be a special occasion, as it would mark 25 years since the municipality was formed following an amalgamation. They are inviting former staff and elected officials (as  well as their family members) to attend on the Saturday for a group picture. They will also be using the opportunity to unveil a new batch of historical plaques that will be displayed around town.

To RSVP for the group photo or for more information, contact Lair at 819-689-2266 or

The full interview with Lair (5m15) is available here.

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