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A new plan for the Pontiac Pool project

A new plan for the Pontiac Pool project

22 January 2021 à 12:00 am

The Pontiac Pool committee updated their project with Jacob Lavigne on CHIP 101.9. The president of the committee, Todd Hoffman, accompanied by the Warden and initiator of the project, Jane Toller, mentioned that the committee was going to turn to a new plan, in order to adjust to different programs to obtain funds from the government of Quebec. This new plan provides essentially the same services, ie a swimming pool and the infrastructures for an aquagym, but at a much lower cost. “The project is going from a budget of 11 million to just over 5 million dollars, which should give us a better chance to go ahead with a project. We are very enthusiastic about this ” summarized Jane Toller.

Todd Hoffman also pointed out that a community fundraising campaign should take place in the coming weeks. The full project update with Pontiac Pool Committee Chairman Todd Hoffman is available below.