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A new Country festival coming to the Municipality of Pontiac

A new Country festival coming to the Municipality of Pontiac

7 March 2023 à 12:26 pm

The Municipality of Pontiac is hoping to see a new country festival lay down roots in town this summer.  During its latest council meeting on March 07, the Pontiac municipal council resolved to dedicate $35,000 in a cash advancement to the preperation and organization of the Pontiac Country Festival. The event will be headed by the Municipality’s Recreation, Community Life and Communications Coordinator.

Draft resolution of the Municipality of Pontiac

ADVANCE OF FUNDS — FESTIVAL COUNTRY DE PONTIAC CONSIDERING the resolution 23-02-4888 which mandates the coordinator of recreation, community life and communications to begin the process for the preparation of the Festival Country de Pontiac;

WHEREAS to follow up on said resolution, funds are needed immediately;
THEREFORE it is proposed by xx and seconded by xx.
AND RESOLVED to advance the sum of $35,000.00 to begin the process for the preparation and organization of the Pontiac Country Festival.
THAT this amount come from the unallocated surplus which will be reimbursed by the revenues of the event.
THAT the balance of income be invested in a fund for recreation.
THAT in the event of a deficit, the unallocated surplus will cover the costs.

More details to come soon.


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