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“A hockey game in which Bell has a comfortable lead” – David Gillespie

“A hockey game in which Bell has a comfortable lead” – David Gillespie

5 May 2021 à 12:00 am

David Gillespie, a farmer from the municipality of L’Isle-aux-Allumettes, chose to talk about the breakdown of services between two companies in the Upper Pontiac. Let us recall that last February, several residents had experienced problems with their telephone line., which had also resulted in a resolution of the municipal council of L’Isle-aux-Allumettes.

“It’s a good game, or the leader is perhaps also the loser,” exclaimed David Gillespie, who did not hide to talk about the improvement of Hydro-Quebec services in the Pontiac. since the beginning of the year.

“We felt that Hydro-Quebec wanted to see an improvement, apart from 4 breakdowns, which in my opinion are normal given that it was a storm that occurred, we have not had any breakdown since” says Gillespie.

Hydro-Quebec power failure in 2021
Date Start End Number of minutes
11 March 06:00 06:09 9
11 March 09:53 10:00 7
11 March 10:01 10:02 1
12 March 10:28 10:35 7
Bell failure listed by David Gillespie in the Upper Pontiac in 2021
Date Reasons
11 January Loud static-poor/no connection
20 January Loud static-no connection
21 January Loud static-no connection
2 February Loud static-poor/no connection
11 February Loud static-poor/no connection
15 February Loud hum-no connection
16 February Loud hum-no connection
19 February Loud hum-no connection
20 February Loud hum-no connection
21 February Loud hum-no connection
24 February Line interruption-line replacement
25 February Line interruption-line replacement
1 March Line interruption-maintenance
5 March Line Interruption & phone rings during call
22 March Line Interruption during Bell call

“It is essential to list your service failures to improve the situation, because otherwise we will never be able to improve the situation. So let’s hope that Hydro can continue its good work and continue with an average of one outage per month as is the case this year. », Reaffirmed David Gillespie.

The full interview with David Gillespie is available here.