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4 of the 5 candidates at the prefecture answer questions from ESSC students

4 of the 5 candidates at the prefecture answer questions from ESSC students

2 November 2017 à 12:00 am

Updated on 27 July 2023 à 3:54 pm

Yesterday at l’école secondaire Sieur-de-Coulonge, 4 of the 5 warden candidates as well as Mansfield Mayoral candidate Gilles Dionne’s answered the students’ questions.

During the discussions, Pierre Fréchette called out Jane Toller who answered in English to one of the students present who had asked her question in French. Jane Toller explained that she was currently learning French and that to express her ideas well, she had to do so in English.

When taking the floor, Charlotte L’Écuyer, explained the context of both official languages and the importance of being proud to speak French.

Only a few of the student’s questions could be addressed, here’s what some students have thought:

Extrait – étudiantes ESSC

Students from l’école secondaire Sieur-de-Coulonge are invited to vote today and the results will be made available next week.
