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25% of students from l’école des Petites-Ponts will be back in class

25% of students from l’école des Petites-Ponts will be back in class

9 May 2020 à 12:00 am

The Commission scolaire des Hauts-Bois-de-l’Outaouais (CSHBO) has informed the public that all of its schools, centers and services are in place and all security measures and the organization of educational services to ensure the return of students to a safe environment.

Here are the statistics published by the Hauts-Bois-de-l’Outaouais School Board (CSHBO) regarding the proportion of preschool and elementary students who will return to school on Monday, May 11:

• 32 % of students will return to school,

• 25 % from l’école des Petits-Ponts,

• 34 % from l’école du Cœur-de-la-Gatineau,

• 37 % from l’école Le Rucher;

The CSHBO mentioned in a press release that parents are primarily responsible for the safety of their child. The CSHBO is counting on them not to send their child to school if a person living in the same residence has one of the following symptoms: fever, cough, difficulty breathing and the loss of smell or taste.

For parents who have decided to keep the children at home, communications and educational materials will continue to be provided by the child’s school.

Parents with questions can contact their child’s school directly.