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L’Île-du-Grand-Calumet seeking candidates for planning advisory committee

L’Île-du-Grand-Calumet seeking candidates for planning advisory committee

4 March 2022 à 12:00 am

The Municipality of L’Île-du-Grand-Calumet has published a notice inviting residents interested in urban planning, development, architecture and heritage to apply to sit as a member of their planning advisory committee (CCU).

The CCU plays an important active role in the planning of the territory. Its main mandate is to provide advice and recommendations to the municipal council on matters concerning urban planning, zoning, subdivision and construction. In particular, it studies requests concerning minor exemptions, modifications to urban planning regulations, development plans, general development plans and conditional uses.

The CCU sits behind closed doors. It is made up of seven permanent members including: three municipal councilors and two appointed residents.

Selection criteria
– Be available during the day or in the evening to participate in meetings;
– Have a good knowledge of the territory of the municipality;
– Be dynamic, have an open and critical mind and wish to actively participate in meetings;
– Have a means of travel;
– Have expertise or interest in the field of urban planning, the environment, development, construction, architecture or heritage (Asset).

Interested persons must send their application (curriculum vitae and cover letter) no later than March 15, 2022, either by email to: or deliver it to the municipal office.