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The MRC in favor of decentralization of healthcare

The MRC in favor of decentralization of healthcare

31 December 2020 à 12:00 am

Council supports resolution to move towards the decentralization of healthcare in the RSL Pontiac. It was resolved by council to ask the Ministry of Health and Social Services to consider the following initiatives for the decentralization of healthcare for the Réseau local de service (RLS) Pontiac:

– the reinstatement of a local administrator position (President and CEO);
– the re-establishment of a local Conseil des médecins, dentistes et pharmaciens (CMDP) or Council of Physicians, Dentists and Pharmacists’;
– the re-establishment of a Table des chefs locale (‘local Chiefs’ Table’) bringing together all local department heads;
– the re-establishment of a small local Board of Directors (BOD);
– the attribution ofoperational powers to the above-mentioned bodies;
– the implementation of apilot project in the Pontiac over a period of 5 years to establish a salary structure for nurses and other health professionals at the Ontario level.

It was also resolved to ask the Conférence des préfets de l’Outaouais (CPO) to support the MRC Pontiac in its efforts.