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“It’s important to sometimes let your child be bored, give them room to use their imagination” Dominik Patry-Boisvenue.

“It’s important to sometimes let your child be bored, give them room to use their imagination” Dominik Patry-Boisvenue.

9 December 2020 à 12:00 am

Every week, the Centre de services scolaire des Hauts-Bois-de-l’Outaouais offers CHIP 101.9 listeners a column on the progress of students in their school career but also in their personal development.

This week, psychoeducator Dominik Patry-Boisvenue broached the subject of the upcoming holiday break and argued that it is sometimes important to give children free time to do nothing. “It’s important to sometimes let your child be bored, not necessarily for a long time, but give them room to use their imagination,” notes Ms. Patry-Boisvenue.

The full interview with Dominik Patry-Boisvenue is available here.