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Teachers will not defer despite the Pandemic

Teachers will not defer despite the Pandemic

10 September 2020 à 12:00 am

Around 150 teachers from the Hautes-Rivières Teachers Union (SPEHR FSE-CSQ) gathered throughout the Outaouais region Thursday to remind their employer, the government, and the population that teachers are still negotiating their collective agreement despite the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The difficult context we are currently living in should not make us forget that teachers are amid negotiations for the renewal of their national collective agreement. It is essential to remain mobilized to prevent the government from trying to take advantage of the situation to obtain a cheap deal. The teachers have been out of breath for several years; their wages and working conditions need to improve. This is not negotiable!”, Explains Daniel Boisjoli, president of the SPEHR FSE-CSQ.

While respecting the physical distancing measures, the teachers have carried out a visibility campaign to show that they are still mobilized, despite a return to school.

More details will be available soon.