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The Pontiac MRC adheres to the Bicycle Movement

The Pontiac MRC adheres to the Bicycle Movement

27 June 2017 à 12:00 am

Updated on 11 July 2023 à 9:43 am

On May 30, Vélo Québec, an organization recognized by the international cycling community, unveiled the new certification list for the Bicycle Movement, recognizing the actions of communities and organizations that promote cycling in Québec. It was during this third round of certification that the MRC of Pontiac was awarded an honorable mention under the community category. The independent judging committee formed by Vélo Québec assigns certifications according to the performance of the candidates around five main standards on which they must meet: the environment, education, encouragement, coaching, and evaluation and planning.

According to the Pontiac MRC’s press release, this honourable mention is a first step in an ongoing process aimed at improving cycling infrastructure and expanding active mobility in the Pontiac. To this end the Pontiac MRC recalls that it has been working with Green PPJ Verte for several months to help improve the conditions of the PPJ and has accompanied the friends of the Cycloparc PPJ in the launch of three family circuits on the PPJ and three discovery circuits of the Pontiac in the MRC’s territory.
