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Changes to CHIP 101.9’s board of directors

Changes to CHIP 101.9’s board of directors

28 February 2025 à 10:05 am

Updated on 28 February 2025 à 12:23 pm

CHIP 101.9’s board of directors has a new president, as former vice-president David Gillespie will take over from Diane Grenier effective last week. The latter explained that she has been involved in the organization of CHIP for a good ten years and was appointed head of the board following the departure of Michel Bélanger. Grenier, speaking of the highlights during her tenure, said that she enjoyed living what she called a second career alongside François Carrier, station manager from 2012 to 2024.

Grenier said she will remain involved in the organization’s board of directors on various committees, including for Chase the Ace, but believed it was time to pass the torch. Gillespie will now assume the role of president on the board of directors, and spoke about the future of CHIP.

Since the AGM held in December, CHIP can also count on the presence of Maryse Vallières, the youngest and most recent addition to the board. She explained why she wanted to get involved with a community radio station:

CHIP 101.9’s full board of directors are as follows:

President: David Gillespie
Vice-president: Annie Lacharité
Secretary: Maryse Vallières
Treasurer: Sylvain Fortin
Director: Diane Grenier
Director: Gilles Dionne
Director: Patrys Brown

The full (French-language) interviews with Diane Grenier and David Gillespie are available here.

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