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Joy of the journey

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Un poème pour souligner la fermeture de l’usine de Smurfit-Stone à Litchfield

Un poème pour souligner la fermeture de l’usine de Smurfit-Stone à Litchfield

1 novembre 2018 à 12:00 am

Mise à jour le 13 septembre 2022 à 3:54 pm

L’adjointe administrative de la MRC Pontiac, Nancy Dagenais, a composé un poème pour souligner le dixième anniversaire de la fermeture définitive de l’usine de pâtes et papiers, qui était située sur la route 301 Sud, dans la municipalité de Litchfield. Le poème en question, rédigé en langue anglaise, relate l’historique en lien avec la fermeture, le 31 octobre 2008, de l’ancienne usine Smurfit-Stone.

Ode to the Portage du Fort pulp Mill

Pontiac’s darkest days it has been told
Was ten years today Smurfit stopped the roll
Employees wept the air grew still
Machines went silent at Smurfit Mill

For Forty-one years the pulp mill ran
Employees happy with money in hand
Skidoos and 4-wheelers, trucks and toys
That pulp mill employed a lot of boys

Barking, chipping, transforming wood
Made this known as the Mill who could
World photographic pulp was the secret key
Who would have thought all from a tree?

Name changes yes there were a few
Connie Bath, Stone and Smurfit too
But steam and lime and viscosity tests
Made our hardwood pulp the very best

It took some thinking and research true
It took time and patience the way things do
But perseverance, hard work and more
Allowed this mill to open wide its door!

Nancy Dagenais-Elliott
October 31st 2018