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Voix du PONTIAC- PONTIAC Voice Group satisfied with the change to CISSSO

Voix du PONTIAC- PONTIAC Voice Group satisfied with the change to CISSSO

26 February 2019 à 12:00 am

The Voix du PONTIAC – PONTIAC Voice group posted on their Facebook page their satisfaction with the change in leadership at the Centre intégré de Santé et de Services Sociaux de l’Outaouais (CISSSO) by the Quebec government, following the filing of a special report on the Outaouais region, sent to Health Minister Danielle McCann by an agent of the ministry.

Last week, as a result of this report, the CAQ government fired the CEO of the CISSSO, Jean Hébert. The spokesperson for the PONTIAC Voice group, Josey Bouchard, gave more details.

The group members hope that the quick response from the government concerning the field of health in the Outaouais will help renew the trust between the CISSSO and the citizens. The group also hopes that this newfound trust will ensure that more changes are made within the organization, including the restoration of personalized community services:

The full interview in French with Josey Bouchard is available at