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Cyclists can count on 11 repair stations thanks to the CJE Pontiac

Cyclists can count on 11 repair stations thanks to the CJE Pontiac

6 July 2021 à 12:00 am

As part of the Equipiste project, the Carrefour jeunesse Emploi (CJE) du Pontiac is informing the population and cycling enthusiasts who will use the PPJ cycle path that the new bicycle terminals have been delivered and installed in the last few days.

Cyclists can count on 8 new terminals, which makes a total of 11 terminals on the PPJ in the MRC Pontiac. The terminals include equipment to repair bicycles if needed.

Locations of the different terminals

1 – Entrance to the PPJ

2 – PPJ past Chemin Francon

3 – Near Second Street
Campbell’s Bay

4 – Davidson

5 – East Range Road

6 – Cottage Road

7 – Entry into the Pontiac

8 – Tour of the lakes
Otter lake