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2017 scout Jamboree in

2017 scout Jamboree in

2 August 2017 à 12:00 am

Updated on 12 July 2023 à 12:38 pm

Since last Sunday evening, the 2017 Jamboree has been on in Fort-Coulonge. In an interview with Elizabeth Séguin, scout volunteer Camille Dauphinais say that that during the week ahead, the young Scouts will have the opportunity to show off their outdoor skills through various competitions:

Camille Dauphinais : Jamboree 2017

Camille Dauphinais also says that residents will have the chance to speak with the youth during their “raid” which will take place Thursday in the streets of Fort-Coulonge, between the Patro and Chutes Coulonge.

Camille Dauphinais : Jamboree 2017

Camille Dauphinais is a volunteer at the Jamboree in Fort-Coulonge.

To follow their adventures on their : Facebook page.

On the web :

The complete interview in French with Camille Dauphinais is available here.
